
Newsletter October 2017

Meteorologists in the World fear 17 tropical storms thru Caribbean towards north this year. The experts fear a new "Katrina" hurdle. Due to higher ocean temperatures, the Central- and North America must prepare for far more hurricanes than usual in 2017.

More recent news

Important announcement to all clients in teak investment on plantations of RGI SA
RGI SA has struggled its way thru 2018 with a hopeless setback on the price market, fiscal and financial changes in the country and on top of it all with a climate situation who has complicated the maintenance and growth of the trees. We have seen the indications of these affecting elements building up over the last years but even though the indications were noted and prepared for we could not foresee that the affects would be as prominent as it became toward our operations.Newsletter December 2018

Important announcement to all clients in teak investment on plantations of RGI SA RGI SA has struggled its way thru 2018 with a hopeless setback on the price market, fiscal and financial changes in the country and on top of it all with a climate situation who has complicated the maintenance and growth of the trees. We have seen the indications of these affecting elements building up over the last years but even though the indications were noted and prepared for we could not foresee that the affects would be as prominent as it became toward our operations.

Geachte Participant,                                                          

Het is RGI bekend dat er vele vragen zijn, daarbij ook vele geruchten over Reforestation Group International (RGI) SA en wat er is gebeurd nadat de relatie met de verkoopbedrijven is verbroken in december 2014. Dit betreft de bedrijven: Teakwood International BV, Teakwood België Bvba en Teakwood Consult Bvba. Graag wil ik u informeren over het verleden en de huidige status van RGI en uw investering.
Nieuwsbrief februari 2018

Geachte Participant, Het is RGI bekend dat er vele vragen zijn, daarbij ook vele geruchten over Reforestation Group International (RGI) SA en wat er is gebeurd nadat de relatie met de verkoopbedrijven is verbroken in december 2014. Dit betreft de bedrijven: Teakwood International BV, Teakwood België Bvba en Teakwood Consult Bvba. Graag wil ik u informeren over het verleden en de huidige status van RGI en uw investering.

Dear Participant,				
There have been many questions among with equally many rumors regarding Reforestation Group International (RGI) SA and what happened after the termination of the cooperation with the sales companies in December 2014 namely with Teakwood International BV, Teakwood Belgium Bvba and Teakwood Consult Bvba. Let me hereby explain the history and current status of RGI and your investment;
Newsletter February 2018

Dear Participant, There have been many questions among with equally many rumors regarding Reforestation Group International (RGI) SA and what happened after the termination of the cooperation with the sales companies in December 2014 namely with Teakwood International BV, Teakwood Belgium Bvba and Teakwood Consult Bvba. Let me hereby explain the history and current status of RGI and your investment;

RGI SA has been growing teak on plantations in Costa Rica since 1997, our main goal has always been to produce the best quality teak possible and with the aim to achieve the best outcome for our clients. IMPORTANT INFORMATION 6-15-2017

RGI SA has been growing teak on plantations in Costa Rica since 1997, our main goal has always been to produce the best quality teak possible and with the aim to achieve the best outcome for our clients.

Dear Participant,

Reforestation Group International RGI SA was strongly affected by the hurricane Otto as you have already seen on our information letter published on this site. News update 3-1-2017

Dear Participant, Reforestation Group International RGI SA was strongly affected by the hurricane Otto as you have already seen on our information letter published on this site.

Update nieuwsbericht van 27-11-2016
Eerste verslag van de schade van de plantages door Orkaan OttoUpdate nieuwsbericht 18-12-2016

Update nieuwsbericht van 27-11-2016 Eerste verslag van de schade van de plantages door Orkaan Otto

Update on newsflash 11-27-2016.

First report about affected farms by Hurricane OttoUpdate Newsflash 12-18-2016

Update on newsflash 11-27-2016. First report about affected farms by Hurricane Otto

Welcome to this April edition of our Newsletter,
Newsletter April 2016

Welcome to this April edition of our Newsletter,

In this newsletter we will look into the current situation on the markets, climates and worldwide economic situation that either directly or indirectly has an influence to your investment. Many of you has been asking about what will happen with your investment since Teakwood International BV (TWI) no longer represent RGI SA and this is understandable. We took measurements in order to keep our website more up to date with news, information and developments regarding the projects that involves your investments. Newsletter October 2015

In this newsletter we will look into the current situation on the markets, climates and worldwide economic situation that either directly or indirectly has an influence to your investment. Many of you has been asking about what will happen with your investment since Teakwood International BV (TWI) no longer represent RGI SA and this is understandable. We took measurements in order to keep our website more up to date with news, information and developments regarding the projects that involves your investments.

RGI SA has acknowledged of an anonymous and unauthorized communication, via e-mail, to some of its participants in the Belgium market. 8-7-'15 IMPORTANT NEWSFLASH

RGI SA has acknowledged of an anonymous and unauthorized communication, via e-mail, to some of its participants in the Belgium market.

RGI SA heeft kennis genomen van een anonieme en ongeoorloofde communicatie, via e-mail, met een aantal van haar participanten op de Belgische markt.7-8-'15 BELANGRIJK BERICHT

RGI SA heeft kennis genomen van een anonieme en ongeoorloofde communicatie, via e-mail, met een aantal van haar participanten op de Belgische markt.

RGI SA has not been able to find a Communication Officer.  However we already took internal measurements by improving our communication with the participants who have notified us with their questions via the RGI SA email address.8-4-‘15 Update Communication Officer process RGI SA

RGI SA has not been able to find a Communication Officer. However we already took internal measurements by improving our communication with the participants who have notified us with their questions via the RGI SA email address.

Het is RGI SA niet gelukt om een Communication Officer te vinden. Echter door het nemen van interne maatregelen hebben we de communicatie verbeterd met de participanten die ons hun vragen hebben gesteld via het RGI SA e-mailadres 

4-8-'15 Update proces Communication Officer RGI SA

Het is RGI SA niet gelukt om een Communication Officer te vinden. Echter door het nemen van interne maatregelen hebben we de communicatie verbeterd met de participanten die ons hun vragen hebben gesteld via het RGI SA e-mailadres

Zoals eerder vermeld heeft RGI SA besloten te stoppen met hun aanbod van teak investeringen en we zouden kijken naar alternatieven met betrekking tot uw investering in de RGI SA projecten. Om een lang verhaal kort te maken: we hebben geen goede alternatieven in uw beste belang gevonden betreffende uw investering.
18-6-'15 RGI SA gaat vooruit en gaat verder

Zoals eerder vermeld heeft RGI SA besloten te stoppen met hun aanbod van teak investeringen en we zouden kijken naar alternatieven met betrekking tot uw investering in de RGI SA projecten. Om een lang verhaal kort te maken: we hebben geen goede alternatieven in uw beste belang gevonden betreffende uw investering.

As mentioned before RGI SA has decided to cease with their offering of teak investments and we would look for alternatives concerning your investments on the RGI SA projects. To make a long story short: we didn’t find good alternatives in your best interest 
6-18-'15 RGI SA goes forward and moves on

As mentioned before RGI SA has decided to cease with their offering of teak investments and we would look for alternatives concerning your investments on the RGI SA projects. To make a long story short: we didn’t find good alternatives in your best interest

31-12-'14 RGI SA stopt met het aanbieden van teakhoutparticipaties (oud nieuws)

RGI SA heeft als laatste actieve aanbieder van teakhoutparticipaties moeten besluiten om haar verkoopactiviteiten te beëindigen.

12-31-'14 RGI SA ceases to offer teak participations (old news)

RGI SA has decided to terminate the cooperation as last active provider of teak investments and thereby its sales activities.